The Wings of the Dove by Henry James. Search eText, Read Online, Study, Discuss. (2025)



The Wings of the Dove is a classic example of Henry James's morality tales that play off the naiveté of an American protagonist abroad. In early-20th-century London, Kate Croy and Merton Densher are engaged in a passionate, clandestine love affair. Croy is desperately in love with Densher, who has all the qualities of a potentially excellent husband: he's handsome, witty, and idealistic--the one thing he lacks is money, which ultimately renders him unsuitable as a mate. By chance, Croy befriends a young American heiress, Milly Theale. When Croy discovers that Theale suffers from a mysterious and fatal malady, she hatches a plan that can give all three characters something that they want--at a price. Croy and Densher plan to accompany the young woman to Venice where Densher, according to Croy's design, will seduce the ailing heiress. The two hope that Theale will find love and happiness in her last days and--when she dies--will leave her fortune to Densher, so that he and Croy can live happily ever after. The scheme that at first develops as planned begins to founder when Theale discovers the pair's true motives shortly before her death. Densher struggles with unanticipated feelings of love for his new paramour, and his guilt may obstruct his ability to avail himself of Theale's gift. James deftly navigates the complexities and irony of such moral treachery in this stirring novel.


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Recent Forum Posts on The Wings of the Dove

What of Lionel Croy?

What is the significance of Kate's dysfunctional family and, in particular, Lionel Croy, who only appears at the start and end of the novel? Kate's father has a strange and, perhaps, terrible personality and history. Kate's sister, Mrs. Condrip, is decidedly unimpressive. But what has all this to do with Kate, her psyche and behaviour, and her ultimately strained relationship with Merton Densher? What does Milly finally make of her, and is Milly as clear-sighted here as she becomes regarding Densher?

Posted By Gladys at Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:46 AM in The Wings of the Dove || 1 Reply

The Wings of the Dove

What do people think of this novel? For the first half I had no idea what was going on, but then eventually things started coming together. I liked the ending of the novel, but I didn't find the work nearly as rewarding as Portrait of a Lady.

Posted By ktm5124 at Thu 24 Jun 2010, 8:49 PM in The Wings of the Dove || 5 Replies

A Cry for Help

I'm not one to give up on books. I always try to finish what I start and typically I can always enjoy the book on some level whether it's the storytelling, the plot, a particular character or whatever. I'm currently struggling to keep interest in "The Wings of the Dove". James' language is incredibly cumbersome and I find the story thus far to be uninteresting, the plot missing, and the characters as bland. I plan to make it to the end of the first volume, but can anyone give me good reason to stick with this work to the end?

Posted By PabloQ at Mon 5 Nov 2007, 8:29 PM in The Wings of the Dove || 7 Replies

I Love His Works

Henry James's work is most admirable! I think that all readerrs should read his works! Spitz

Posted By anon at Sun 27 Jul 2003, 5:00 AM in The Wings of the Dove || 2 Replies


Just saw the film of the wings of the dove. Does anyone know what the piece is that Densher narrates as a voice over when millie's funeral is taken place. It ends with the phrase "on the wings of a dove". is it a poem or is it actually in the novel by henry james?

Posted By monkey at Tue 24 May 2005, 10:07 PM in The Wings of the Dove || 1 Reply

No Subject

i have just watched the TV -the wings of the dove and i love it very much. so i come online now to search the work. i am so lucky i find it on your website. i will read it thoroughly later . thanks a lot. -daisy

Posted By Unregistered at Tue 24 May 2005, 10:07 PM in The Wings of the Dove || 0 Replies

No Subject

I really enjoyed reading this. You really end up feeling sorry for
Kate and Densher. You find out that the shrew actually has a heart.

Posted By Jflier at Tue 24 May 2005, 10:03 PM in The Wings of the Dove || 0 Replies

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The Wings of the Dove by Henry James. Search eText, Read Online, Study, Discuss. (2025)


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